Saturday, September 12, 2009

Scrapbook USA Expo

So, I had major plans to attend this expo and was getting everything ready including sponsoring the VIP classes. Well as some of you may know I am expecting boy #3 (yes, another boy NO GIRLS, BOO WHO) and have had some major complications which prevented me from being able to attend. I went ahead and created the class kits for the VIP classes and they were so much fun. Aside from being in the hospital two times and the _________ (not good word here) post office not delivering the box full of 100 kits to Tracey when they were suppose to, everything has been going ok. Anyways here are some pics of the kits and the link is above if you would like to purchase one of them. They are really fun, easy to put together and something you can definately use in your scrapbook collection.

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